A new Year is right around the corner and we want to give a little back…Yes only a little because we like you guys but don’t love you. For all of January you can have FREE SHIPPING on all Etsy purchases using this code “COMICON”. Because Comicon is also right around the corner and MODIFIEDMINDS is thinking of participating again this year. If you missed us Last year here is a small trailer to show you a glimpse of what you missed.
PHX Comicon 2011 Trailer
We also dresses the host of the Geek Prom Denise Gary, last year. Geek Prom is a charity event put on each year by Kids Need to Read Here is their website: http://www.kidsneedtoread.org/upcoming_events.html You can view the festivities below. Geek Prom hosted by Kids Need to Read
This Year you will Find Denise dancing around in a Modifiedminds original outfit again. We also have plans to dress the lovely Victoria Paege as seen here http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3072221/ at the Big Dog Ink booth. Victoria will be dressed as Dorthy from the Wicked West series, just released! http://bigdogink.com/?p=1388 I am very honored to be the first designer to have a shot at this outfit and hope to make the creator Tom Hutchison very proud! We also hope to be involved in some costuming panels as well as the Steampunk Fashion Show. Happy New Year everyone!